The first visit to our office is designed to get you better acquainted with all we offer as well as introduce you to our doctors and our caring staff. We encourage questions and do our best to always deliver quality care.
Please take a moment prior to your scheduled appointment to download our patient forms. We ask that you complete the forms and bring them with you to your appointment so we may better assist you in a timely manner. Thank you for your confidence in our office, we look forward to assisting you with all your oral surgery needs.
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You may preregister with our office by filling out our secure online Patient Registration Form. After you have completed the form, please make sure to press the Submit button at the bottom to automatically send us your information. On your first visit to our office, we will have your completed form available for your signature. The security and privacy of your personal data is one of our primary concerns and we have taken every precaution to protect it.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions patients have about oral surgery issues. If you have any other questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, we would love to hear from you.
Q: When will my stitches fall out or dissolve?
A: Intraoral sutures (also known as stitches) are commonly placed after oral surgery procedures. Usually thy are resorbable and will fall out or dissolve within 2-3 weeks. Occasionally non resorbable sutures are placed and require removal. You surgeon will inform you if you require a follow up for suture removal.
Q: After socket grafting, what are the “sand particles” that I feel when I eat or rinse?
A: The graft material used for you bone grafting procedure is usually particulate cadaver bone. The consistency of the graft is like sand and occasionally if the graft becomes exposed some particles will wash out. Usually this does not mean your graft has been compromised as a large portion of the graft remains under the surface and some of the superficial layer can be lost without complication.
Q: Do I have a dry socket?
A: Dry socket usually starts 3-7 days after extraction. Signs and symptoms are severe pain uncontrolled with pain medication, foul odor, radiating pain through upper or lower jaw and loss of the blood clot. Every patient is at risk for dry socket and it cannot be completely prevented. However, if you follow the post-op instructions given to you, you will be less likely to develop one. Dry socket can be treated with one or more office visits in which a medicated dressing is placed into the extraction site by the doctor or assistant. If you think you have a dry socket please call the office to speak with one of the staff members.
Q: If my pain medication is not working what can I do?
A: Pain medication prescribed for you after your procedure is not meant to take all the pain away. However, it should make you comfortable. Sometimes taking ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) staggered with the narcotic prescribed will help a lot. Only add ibuprofen if you can take it with concurrent medical conditions and do not take it if other medication you are taking already has ibuprofen in it. If you have any questions about your pain medication, please call our office. Do not take your pain medication more frequently than prescribed or increase your medication dose without contacting your doctor first.
Q: When is the bleeding supposed to stop?
A: Depending on the number of extractions, difficulty of extraction, age and concurrent medical conditions and medications that you are taking especially blood thinners, it may take longer than expected for your bleeding to stop or it may stop and then restart. Sometimes bleeding can take over an hour to stop depending on several factors. If you are bleeding longer than expected after your procedure then continue to bite on gauze and put pressure on the site and call our office for additional instructions.
Q: Why is it hard to open my mouth after removing my wisdom teeth?
A: If you wisdom teeth were impacted, it was necessary to make an incision in your gums next to a muscle that controls opening and closing of your mouth. Healing of this incision in addition to the predicted swelling will cause difficultly in opening your mouth for approximately 5-7 days after the procedure.
Q: Is it normal to be sore after an implant or grafting procedure?
A: Yes, it is most common to be sore on the outside gum tissue associated with the implant or grafting procedure. This is because of the incision and pushing of the gum tissue in order to access the site and complete the procedure. Usually soreness only last a couple days but sometime can last for up to a week after the procedure. Please call our office if you think or feel anything is abnormal.
Q: Can I work out after my procedure?
A: Usually it is advised to wait 24-48 hours after your procedure to engage in strenuous exercise. However, each procedure and patient is different so please ask a staff member or your doctor for specific instructions.
For your convenience, we accept cash, personal checks, money orders, and most major credit cards. Payment is expected at the time services are performed. Feel free to contact our office if your treatment plan requires more comprehensive dental work and you want to discuss financial arrangements.

Our office is contracted with Delta Dental, Ameritas and Premier Access and their subsidiaries. We will bill all PPO insurances. We are not a Medicare Provider
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